1:1 Direct Support


*Honoring Loss, Embracing Life*

Grief changes everything. It can feel like you’ve lost yourself, leaving you isolated, overwhelmed, and consuming every part of you. Regardless of the type of loss you are facing, the impact of grief can be profoundly painful, making it seem as though the world has shattered, yet somehow, life around you continues to spin.

No matter what you do, it feels like you’re stuck in the same cycle: frustrated, deeply sad, anxious, angry, confused, hopeless and disconnected, with no clear direction forward. You know you can’t return to life as it was before your loss, but you’re unsure where to go from here.

How do you rebuild a life after losing something or someone so integral to who you once were? Who are you now that your life has been forever changed? How do you go on? How do you find meaning in a life that feels empty? How do you reconnect with yourself when grief changes everything? What do you do when grief feels like part of your identity?  

These are the questions that grief forces upon us every day. While we may not have all the answers in the moment, I believe there is so much to be learned from our experiences. Over time, we can slowly find our way back to a place that feels like home.

Have you ever felt so alone in your grief that no matter how much support you receive from family and friends, it never seems quite enough? Or perhaps you’ve struggled to find someone who truly understands the many layers of grief that come with loss? If this resonates with you, it’s okay.

Family and friends play crucial roles in our lives, but their emotional investment in your grief can sometimes limit their ability to support you in the way you need. They mean well, but you need an objective perspective, someone who can hold space for your grief, honor where you are in your journey, and support you through this profound experience.

This 1:1 support offers an intimate, immersive experience designed just for you. Every person's grief journey is unique, and so should your healing. Our sessions are personalized to meet your specific needs, allowing for a deeper and more meaningful connection.

Here, you can let your guard down. Share your story, your pain, your memories, and your hopes without fear of judgment. This is your space to be vulnerable and honest, a space all about finding your way back to you.

Beyond emotional support, you will gain practical tools and strategies to help you navigate your grief. We’ll work together to find what best supports you, from education, coping mechanisms, to daily practices.

While we cannot change the past, we can focus on rebuilding yourself and finding meaning and purpose for the future.

We will explore the mind-body connection through practicing presence and mindfulness, helping you understand how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors shape your life.

Together, we’ll identify the challenges, triggers, and belief systems that may be keeping you stuck.

You’ll gain the confidence, clarity, and insights needed to live a wholehearted life that aligns with who you are and where you want to go.

This journey is one of self-discovery and transformation, where you will cultivate a deep connection with yourself and learn to embody what it means to be authentically you.

Through our work together, you'll not only be able to navigate your grief but also rediscover and reconnect with the true essence of who you are.

You will gain the power to re-write your story.

This is the road back to YOU, a place to fall in love, find your way back, and embrace your life while honoring your grief.


Access to Service:

1:1 Coaching:

Coaching focuses on the present and the future. It’s all about where you are now and where you want to go. It’s a hands-on, action-oriented approach that helps you set and reach your goals. We’ll work together to create practical strategies and tackle any challenges that come up, helping you move forward with confidence.

60 minutes= $135 + GST (CDN)

90 minutes= $185 + GST (CDN)

Sliding Scale Available—Please reach out for more details.

1:1 Counselling:

Counseling takes a much deeper look into your past to help you understand the behaviors, patterns and thought processes that might be holding you back. It’s a space for exploring emotional challenges and personal obstacles, with the goal of gaining insight and finding ways to heal and grow.

60 minutes= $135 + GST (CDN)

90 minutes= $185 + GST (CDN)

Sliding Scale Available—Please reach out for more details.

(Counselling sessions are covered by most insurance companies. Please check with your insurance provider to ensure your policy covers clinical counselling services.)

While coaching and counselling each have their own focus, they work together to support your healing journey. Coaching helps you set goals and move forward, while counselling provides the deep emotional insight to address underlying patterns and challenges. Together, they create a balanced approach, helping you understand your past while confidently moving toward the future.