Work with Me

My Approach:

At Heart Centered Healing, I combine my extensive education, professional training, and personal lived experience with grief to offer a unique and supportive approach. I’m a Certified Grief Educator, Certified Grief Coach, and Registered Counsellor (RTC). With over 17 years of combined experience, including my work in a hospital's acute oncology unit, I have developed a deep understanding and empathy for those dealing with grief.

Although I wasn’t directly involved in patient care, I was often the first-person patients and their families interacted with. My role required exceptional communication skills to ensure their needs were met throughout their treatment process. I created a supportive environment for individuals to share their emotions and feel truly seen, heard, and held in their vulnerability, demonstrating my empathy and compassion.

As a Grief and Loss Practitioner, I specialize in supporting women who are ready and committed to moving forward and rebuilding their lives after loss. My focus is on helping those who recognize the need for support and are prepared to explore their grief, make sense of their current challenges, and guide them toward a future filled with purpose, joy, and appreciation—all while honoring their grief. This work is most impactful for those who take full responsibility for their healing, are active participants in the process, and are genuinely invested in the growth that comes from within.

My approach is holistic and integrative, meaning I consider you as a whole person, exploring every aspect of who you are: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I blend traditional evidence based techniques, such as Talk Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Narrative Therapy and Somatic Therapy with mindfulness practices and a more eclectic approach to support you.

Trained in Trauma-Informed care, I understand how trauma influences our lives and can support you in managing its impact on your daily life. My experience and background in professional counselling provides me with the knowledge of the nervous system and the skills to help you if you're feeling dysregulated.

Whether you’re dealing with the death of a loved one or experiencing other forms of loss, I'm here to help. I offer a safe, nurturing, non-judgmental space where you can openly share your story and find the support you need. This space is about exploring all the ways grief is impacting your life and working towards finding meaning and purpose even when life feels uncertain.

The ups and downs of grief can be tough to handle. I understand how challenging it can be to ask for help and how it might feel like nothing, or no one can fix your grief. I totally get it- I’ve been there too.

Through these 17 years of experience, I have learned that grief wants to feel seen and connected with. Your grief needs a voice, a companion. Someone to walk alongside with. It’s asking you to let go of the walls around your heart and allow your grief to be heard.

This process isn’t about fixing anything but rather about creating a space to share and to listen. I’m here to guide you so you don’t have to go through it alone. We get to walk this road together.

I am deeply passionate and committed to breaking the stigma and normalizing grief in our world. As a strong advocate for post-traumatic growth, I wholeheartedly believe that we can overcome even the most challenging obstacles in life. I can’t promise overnight results, because the reality is, there are no quick fixes, short cuts or fast approaches to healing our grief. The only way out is through. However, I am confident that with each small step forward, you will look back at all those victories and see how far you have come. Grief work may be a long, slow process, but it’s worth the ride for the healing and peace it brings.

You have the power to re-write your story!

 This work is for you if you are:

  • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual complexities of grief

  • Struggling to find fulfillment and meaning in the midst of loss

  • Seeking connections with others who understand and share your grief experience

  • Looking for a safe space to express your grief and receive compassionate support

  • Ready to reignite your sense of purpose and hope after loss

  • Ready to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace healing

  • Ready to deepen your self-awareness and practice self-love

  • Ready to lead your life with renewed confidence, rebuild self-trust, and embrace life fully after loss

  • Ready to empower yourself and inspire others with your story.

  • Seeking to heal and make sense of your past, present, and future through the art of storytelling

This Is Your Invitation To Come Work With Me:

1:1 Direct Support


Honoring Loss, Embracing Life

Online Grief Circle


Community, Connection

& Collective Healing

Before starting any coaching/therapeutic relationship, it’s important that we connect to make sure we’re a good fit for working together. A (free) consultation is required before any services are provided.

Main Areas of Practice:

  • Grief & Loss

  • Death Of A Loved One

  • Support For Non-Death Losses

  • Chronic Health Conditions

  • Visual Impairment Diagnosis

  • End-Of-Life Support

  • Navigating Life Transitions

  • Finding Meaning & Purpose in Life

  • Personal Exploration & Growth

Client Focus: Adults (18+), Woman, Individual and Group Sessions

Certifications & Trainings:

  • Grief Educator Certificate

    David Kessler Training,

  • Professional Counsellor Diploma

    Rhodes Wellness College, Vancouver, BC

  • Life Skills Coach Certificate

    Rhodes Wellness College, Vancouver, BC

  • Health Unit Coordinator Certificate

    Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley, BC

“I sat with my anger long enough, until she told me her real name was grief”

- C.S. Lewis